Sunday, September 19, 2010

TSS: Library Girl Rambles...

The Sunday

Welcome to The Sunday Salon, a place for readers and book lovers to come together to escape into our books for a bit.  Each Sunday, we set aside some time to read and to discuss that reading, our reading throughout the past week, and other events in our lives.  Please join in the discussion here and take some time to visit some of the over 500 bloggers who participate.

One of my blogging goals this year was to be more consistent in my Sunday Salon posts.  I have failed miserably at meeting this goal!  I think I've finally caught on that weekends are not a great time for me to blog.  I'm either spending lots of time with my family, catching up on the things that need doing around the house, or I'm out of town.

So instead of beating myself up about my inability to commit to one single day of posting, I'm considering starting a new feature.  My idea is to have a post every so often (notice I'm not committing myself to a schedule here!) that goes beyond what I'm reading and reviewing and lets you into my life a bit more.  These posts could be about anything from introducing you to other hobbies, my favorite non-book related blogs and websites, or even product reviews.  I'm thinking of calling it Outside the Library so the posts would be easy to spot.  Now the big question is would anyone be interested in this feature?  Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, I really want to hear them!

Back to books for a moment, it has been over a week since I've posted a review.  I actually finished The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown but decided not to review it.  The issue isn't that I'm lacking in thoughts about the book.  I actually have so many thoughts bouncing around in my head that I'm not sure I could get them written down in a way that would make any sense.

Today I finished Cheap Cabernet by Cathie Beck so look for a review coming sometime this week.  I have a feeling that this review will be difficult to write because I have a pretty strong opinion on the book but I'm thinking my opinion is not going to match the popular one.

I also have a couple non-fiction books checked out from the library but those have been slow going and I probably won't review them.  I'm really not sure what I'll pick off my shelf to read next - it is such a different feeling to be able to choose instead of moving right on to the next review book.

My current giveaway to win a book from the Prize Page is open until September 26 (US only).

Note: All opinions provided on this blog are my own. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Links to are affiliate links and I do earn a small percentage for each item purchased through those links. Any other referral or associate links will be noted within the post.

1 comment:

  1. I love to read about book related topics. And a tiny bit of personal life. JMO.

    I read and reviewed Cheap recently. I wonder if your thoughts are like mine???

    My review of Cheap is here:


I love hearing from you! Please share your thoughts with me :-)