Finding Your Voice – Can You Be The Writer You've Always Wanted to Be?
I’ve worked with many authors and writers over the last couple of years. It amazes me the talent that I constantly come across. I’m not talking just mediocre talent, I’m talking the next Nora Roberts or Nicholas Sparks kind of talent. I’ve helped authors and writers in many different aspects of writing and marketing, including interviews where I ask authors advice, and what they wished they knew before hand.
As many of you know, I interview authors live on Blog Talk Radio at my very own show called BK Media Entertainment. This is where I get down to the nitty gritty of writing and try to get as many answers in as many forms as I can.
One comment I’m always getting told is, “I’ve always wanted to write, I just don’t know where to start.” The advice from the authors I interview that is always said in one way or another, “Just write.” I recently read a book and interviewed the author, Write-A-Thon:Write Your Book in 26 Days (and live to tell about it) by Rochelle Melander. Her advice was simple. “Just show up everyday.”
So you want to be a writer, but can you be the writer you’ve always dreamed to be?
You have ideas swirling through your mind. Tons of them. You like vampires, or a good murder mystery, you just don’t know how you’re going to get started, let alone find time in between running kids to soccer, going to school plays, cleaning the house, and cooking dinner.
If you’re serious about writing a book, the first place to start is getting your ideas to paper, or into the computer. Jot them down, whatever they are. It doesn’t matter how silly they seem or far fetched they are, just write them down. They are your ideas, nobody ever has to see them. EVER!
Once you have some ideas out there, go read a book. If you want to write about vampires and werewolves, read a paranormal, there are tons of them out there. You could go for Laurel K Hamilton’s Anita Blake Series, LJ Smith’s Vampire Diaries, or even Stephenie Meyers’ Twilight Series. If you want to write a good mystery, read some JD Robb or James Patterson.
After you get a feel for what the genre is about, jot down some more ideas. Now your ideas should start falling into place, and you can actually see your characters and plot developing right before your minds eye.
What’s your next move?
Simple. Start writing your story. Don’t worry about where it’s going, and don’t worry about what people might think, just write. Keep writing everyday. Soon you will see it forming a decent plot, characters are developing even stronger in your mind and maybe even trying to tell their own story.
Carry a journal or small notebook with you at all times. You just never know when another idea for your story will jump out at you. If you can write it down, you won’t forget it.
As you continue to write, the words keep growing and the pages keep getting longer. It feels good doesn’t it? You’re actually reaching one of your dreams.
Next, as you settle into the added routine of writing, decide when you are at your best, and pick that time each day to write. Then, just do it, and keep at it.
Before you know it, your book will be complete and you will be ready for edits and revisions.
Congratulations! You’re now an author!
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Note: All opinions provided on this blog are my own. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Bookstore links are generally affiliate links and I do earn a small amount for each purchase. Other affiliate links will be noted in the post.
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