Wednesday, March 9, 2011

absolutely, positively by Heather Webber

Absolutely, Positively: A Lucy Valentine Novel
Title:  absolutely, postively
Author:  Heather Webber
Publisher:  St. Martin's Paperbacks
Publication Date:  February 2011
Format:  Paperback, 320 pages
Age Group:  Adult
Series:  Lucy Valentine #3

After Lucy's psychic ability to find lost objects is exposed in the Boston Herald, her division of Valentine, Inc. -- Lost Loves -- is busier than ever.  Add in the work she does with the local police department, some family drama, pushing two friends to move beyond friendship, and the curse on her own love life and Lucy is one very busy lady!  When her latest Lost Loves case crosses paths with an FBI investigation, Lucy must sort through the evidence and decide if this love really deserves a second chance.

The first two books in this series were wonderful and I'm happy to say that absolutely, positively is the same.  Lucy retains her faith in love even in the face of impossible odds.  Well, love for everyone except herself that is.  Despite having a nearly perfect boyfriend, Lucy can't let go of her fear of Cupid's Curse.  I think Lucy has grown in her relationship though and she can at least be happy in most of the moments even when she fears the future.  Lucy has also grown as an investigator after working with both Sean and the local police.  She still stumbles on to clues in unexpected ways at times and doesn't always know what things mean when she sees them but I think she has a better sense of what is important and when to take the investigation further than she did in the first book.  To me it is really important to see that kind of growth in a character.

The secondary characters continue to add a lot of color to the book too.  Lucy's best friends are fun and her family is a complicated riot.  They add just the right amount of stress and humor to Lucy's life.

The story lines are easy to follow and weave in and out of each other with ease.  I like how they sometimes seem to connect but then pull away only to reconnect again later.  We have all the clues we need, it is just getting them all to fit together in the right puzzle.

In my review of deeply, desperately I asked if anyone knew if there would be more than three Lucy Valentine books.  The only clue I've found to an answer is on Heather Webber's blog (which seems to be more up to date than her website) where she says she doesn't know if there will be a fourth Lucy Valentine novel or if she will take the series in another direction.  I really, really, really hope she doesn't stop writing about Lucy!  There was a big hint in this book of more things to come and there are story lines that don't seem completely finished to me.  I really want to know if Lucy and Sean get their happily ever after or if Cupid's Curse does strike.  I'm just not done reading about this crazy, fun family yet!

I borrowed absolutely, positively from my local library and there was no expectation from anyone of a review.

My reviews of previous books in the series:

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Note: All opinions provided on this blog are my own. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Bookstore links are generally affiliate links and I do earn a small amount for each purchase. Other affiliate links will be noted in the post.


  1. I've read the first of this bt not the others, I must see if I can track them down

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Good post .... I'm not sure I would have considered reading this series, but now after that review, I just might pick them up. Thank! I love reading a good series because you're able to really see the character development and you feel like you've been with them through a big chunk of their lives.

    As always, love your site!

    I stumbled ya! I'd love it if you could stumble me back ...

    ~ Devon
    Reading with Joey

  3. I've seen a couple reviews for this book. It seems like a good one.

    I stumbled this. My post is

  4. Hi! Stumbling...looks like a good series (I love the titles, too!).

    My post is:

    Kristin :)

  5. Great review! I stumbled this post, here's mine

  6. I've never heard of this series! Way to go for utilizing the library - I'm a big fan too!

    I stumbled your post and would love if you'd stumble mine!

  7. Haven't seen this book before...looks interesting! Stumbling you back. :)


    I stumbled you, please stumble me.

    Thanks for the review, I don't normally read this type of novel.


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