Title: The Pilgrim Glass
Author: Julie K. Rose
Publisher: lulu.com
Publication Date: December 2010
Format: Paperback, 354 pages
Age Group: Adult
When Jonas Flycatcher travels to Vezelay, France to repair a stained glass found in the cathedral of Mary Magdalene, he has no idea that he will be forced to face his own past and to help others face theirs as well. Meredith and Abbot Dubay share a past they are unwilling to face yet the stained glass pulls them together as it reveals its mysteries.
The Pilgrim Glass is a book filled with beautiful scenic descriptions and with damaged people. Each of the main characters carries with them wounds from their pasts which refuse to heal. In examining the story of the stained glass and wondering about its creator, they also take a journey in examining their own histories and perhaps starting on a path of healing. I really enjoyed all the characters because they were so flawed. I was interested in why they were the way they were. If anything, I wish Rose had given us more of their history so that their pain in the present could be understood even more deeply. While the creator of the glass is somewhat of a background character, I would have enjoyed knowing more of her story as well.
Rose provides a very authentic setting for her story with the description of the village and the conversations in French sprinkled throughout the book. Most of the French was understandable in context but there were a few times that I was wishing for my French dictionary from high school.
Overall, I found The Pilgrim Glass to be an enjoyable book.
Thank you to Julie K. Rose for sending me a copy in return for my honest review.
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